Grants & Rebates

BC Heat Pump Grants and Rebates

Provincial Rebates

Don’t let the sometimes complicated grants and rebates process deter you from making the right decision about a new heat pump system.

We’ve prepared a quick and easy guide for you to download:

In the meantime, here’s a quick online reference to the rebates and grants available in BC for heat pump upgrades.

Existing primary heating system (before upgrade)Rebates AvailableMore details below on these tables:
Natural GasUp to $3000A
ElectricUp to $2000B
Oil or PropaneUp to $3000C
Wood or Solid FuelUp to $1500D

Important Notes:
A primary heating system is permanently installed or hardwired, and must serve at least 50% or the home and be able to maintain 21 degrees Celsius for the entire heating system. Space heating rebates are not available for customers upgrading from an existing primary heating system of a gas fireplace

Existing primary heating system: Natural gas furnace, boiler, or combination heating and hot water system
Primary Heating System After Upgrade:
ADuctless mini-split heat pump HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or, HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2** or Ductless multi-split heat pump HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or, HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2** ** a variable speed compressor is requiredCentral ducted heat pump (Tier 2) HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or, HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2Dual fuel ducted heat pump (Natural gas back-up) HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or, HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2** **Variable speed compressor is not required
Rebate amount$1,500 - CleanBC +$1,500 BC Hydro top up rebate$1,500 - CleanBC +$1,500 BC Hydro top up rebate$3,000
Rebate ProviderBC Hydro & CleanBCBC Hydro & CleanBCCleanBC
Key Requirements
  • Must remove fossil fuel system
  • Customers only need to complete one application to receive both the CleanBC and BC Hydro rebates.
  • Ductless mini-split heat pumps can be installed in an eligible home that is 1,200 square feet or less.
  • Homes over 1,200 square feet must install a multi-split heat pump or a central ducted heat pump.
  • Must have a minimum capacity of 12,000 BTU (1 Ton) Must have a variable speed compressor
  • Must remove fossil fuel system
  • Customers only need to complete one application to receive both the CleanBC and BC Hydro rebates.
  • Must have a minimum capacity of 12,000 BTU (1 Ton)
  • Must have a variable speed compressor
  • Back-up must be a natural gas furnace
  • Must remove or modify fossil fuel system
  • Must have a minimum capacity of 12,000 BTU (1 Ton)
  • Variable speed compressor not required
  • Must complete heat load calculation
  • Outdoor temperature switchover control must be set to the program required temperatures

Important Notes:
Important notes: Dual fuel systems are only eligible provided: The load calculation uses program-approved methodology. Approved methodology can be found at

The thermostat, outdoor temperature switch-over control is set to the following region-specific temperatures for the duration of the product lifetime:
a. Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island regions: 5oC.
b. Southern Interior and Northern BC: 2oC.

The AHRI certified reference number for dual fuel systems must show the outdoor unit, indoor unit and furnace.

Existing primary heating system: Hard-wired electric systems(eg. baseboards, radiant ceiling, radiant floors, furnace)
Primary Heating System After Upgrade
BDuctless mini-split heat pump HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or,
HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2 or Ductless multi-split heat pump
HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or, HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2
Central ducted
heat pump
(Tier 1) (HSPF ≥
8.50 SEER ≥ 15)
Central ducted heat pump (Tier 2) HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or, HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2
Rebate amount$1,000 (mini-split and multi-split systems)$1,200 (Mini-split)
$2,000 (Multi-split)
Rebate ProviderBC HydroFortisBC ElectricFortisBC ElectricBC HydroFortisBC Electric
Key Requirements
  • One indoor unit (head) must serve a main living area(Family room, living room, or open-concept kitchen-living room)
  • Ductless mini-split systems can be installed in an eligible home that is 1,200 square feet or less.
  • Homes over 1,200 square feet must install a multi-split heat pump or a central ducted heat pump.
  • Must have a minimum capacity of 12,000 BTU (1 Ton)
  • Must have a variable speed compressor

  • Tier 1 rebate of $1,200 offered only to FortisBC Electric customers
  • Must have a minimum capacity of 12,000 BTU (1 Ton)
  • Central ducted heat pump (Tier 2) systems must have a variable speed compressor
Existing primary heating system: Oil or propane furnace or boiler
Primary Heating System After Upgrade
CDuctless mini-split heat pump HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or, HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2 or Ductless multi-split heat pump HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or, HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2Central ducted heat pump (Tier 2) HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or, HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2Dual fuel ducted heat pump (Natural gas back-up) HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or, HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2
Rebate amount$1,500 - CleanBC
+$1500 BC Hydro top up rebate
$1,500 - CleanBC
+$1,500 BC Hydro top up rebate
Rebate ProviderBC Hydro & CleanBCBC Hydro & CleanBCCleanBC
Key Requirements
  • Must remove fossil fuel system
  • Ductless mini-split systems can be installed in an eligible home that is 1,200 square feet or less.
  • Must have a minimum capacity of 12,000 BTU (1 Ton)
  • Must have a variable speed compressor

  • Must remove fossil fuel system
  • Must have a minimum capacity of 12,000 BTU (1 Ton)
  • Must have a variable speed compressor
  • Back-up must be a propane furnace(2)
  • Must remove or modify fossil fuel system
  • Must have a minimum capacity of 12,000 BTU (1 Ton)
  • Variable speed compressor not required
  • Must complete heat load calculation(1)
  • Outdoor temperature switch-over control must be set to the program required temperatures(1)

Important notes:
Dual fuel systems are only eligible provided:
i. The load calculation uses program-approved methodology. Approved methodology can be found at:
ii. The thermostat, outdoor temperature switch-over control is set to the following region-specific temperatures for the duration of the product lifetime:
a. Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island regions: 5oC.
b. Southern Interior and Northern BC: 2oC.

Existing primary heating system: Wood or solid fuel
Primary Heating System After Upgrade
DDuctless mini-split heat pump HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or, HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2 or Ductless multi-split heat pump HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or, HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2Central ducted heat pump (Tier 2) HSPF ≥ 10, SEER ≥ 16, or, HSPF2 ≥ 8.5, SEER2 ≥ 15.2
Rebate amount$1,000$2,000
Rebate ProviderCleanBCCleanBC
Key Requirements
  • Before and after photos of the wood or solid fuel heating system if it is being removed.
  • If the wood or solid fuel heating system is being retained, a copy of an inspection report completed by a Wood Energy Technology Transfer Inc. (WETT)-certified professional. The inspection report must be dated within the 12 month period before or 6 month period following the date of the heat pump installation invoice.
  • Must have a minimum capacity of 12,000 BTU (1 Ton)
  • Must have a variable speed compressor > Ductless mini-split systems can be installed in an eligible home that is 1,200 square feet or less.

Income Qualified Programs

There are two income-qualified programs available, a Federal program and a Provincial program.

ProgramRebates Available
Provincial Program
CleanBC Energy Savings Program
Up to $16,000 off the purchase and installation of an eligible heat pump system

Important Notes:

  • You must meet all criteria for these programs to be eligible
  • Your qualifying amount may vary, this is dependent on income level Applications MUST be completed prior to installation

Provincial Program

BC Hydro & Clean BC

Eligible homeowners may receive enhanced rebates that cover up to 100% of home upgrade costs. Eligibility codes received after June 18, 2024 are valid for upgrades completed within 12 months of the participants approval date.

Free energy coaching, virtual energy assessments, and support in multiple languages available to help decide which home upgrades are best for you.


  • Home must be year round residence (that is at least 12 months old)
  • Must have a residential utility account with FortisBC, BC Hydro, or a municipal utility
  • For income levels 1 or 2 property must have a total assessed value at or under $1,230,000 in the BC assessment listing for the address of the applicants home in the year of registration
  • If you currently rent the home, a landlord consent form needs to accompany your application
  • You must pre-register and receive an eligibility code before completing the upgrade
  • Upgrade must be completed by a Program Registered Contractor
  • Rebates can not exceed cost of invoice
  • This funding may not be combined with additional financial assistance from other existing federal, provincial, territorial, and utility programs. Check eligibility requirements for individual rebate programs for more information.

Learn more:

Heat Pump Rebate Requirements

  • Rebates differ by income level, type of heat pump and original
    primary heating type
    • Oil – Must provide proof of oil use (500Ltrs annually), remove oil
      heating system and oil tank, use the NRCan Qualified Product
    • Natural Gas/Propane – Must remove fossil fuel heating
      equipment (must provide invoice)
    • Electricity – Convert electric resistance heating to heat pump –
      Not eligible for electric service upgrades or northern top ups
    • Wood – To retain wood heating system requires a WETT
      inspection report – Not eligible for electric service upgrades or
      northern top ups
  • A low static pressure ducted mini-split with two supply outlets is
    eligible for the same rebate value as a 2-Head Multi-split system or 2
    Single-Head Mini-split Heat Pumps
  • A ducted mini and multiple split systems with three or more supply
    outlets, or a mixed ducted and ductless system with 3 or more zones
    is eligible for the same rebate value as a Central Ducted system
  • At the outside winter design temperature, required heating facilities
    shall be capable of maintaining an indoor air temperature of not
    less than 22°C in all living spaces, 18°C in unfinished basements,
    common service rooms, ancillary spaces and exits in houses with a
    secondary suite, and 15°C in heated crawl spaces

Learn more:

Income Qualification Requirements

Energy Savings Program: Heat Pump Rebates for Natural Gas and Propane Homes

Energy Savings Program: Heat Pump Rebates for Oil Homes

Energy Savings Program: Heat Pump Rebates for Electric and Wood Homes

Next Steps:

  • Checkmark
    Read over your quote and decide which option is right for you
  • Checkmark
    Email a signed copy of your quote with your choices selected to
  • Checkmark
    Send through a deposit. The office staff at Thermo Tec can help you with payment options and deposit information. 250-334-7782 or
  • Checkmark
    Complete your registration for any grants and rebates you are applying for. These applications are not completed by Thermo Tec Mechanical and must be completed by the homeowner/resident to confirm eligibility

Thermo Tec will be in touch with an install date. If you have any questions or if you need any additional information in the meantime please do not hesitate to reach out to 250-334-7782 or

Please note that Thermo Tec Mechanical is not able to guarantee the eligibility or the final value for any rebates or grants. These programs are at the sole discretion of the providing party (provincial government, federal government, municipal government or utility provider.)

It is the sole responsibility of the homeowner residents to confirm that their property meets requirements for any grants or rebates.